Bitcoin still has these really strange (to me) elements that I can't get straight in my head.
Im trying to send a very small amount to a wallet to do some testing before I send a slightly larger amount.
But apparently despite everything I've been telling people for nearly a year, no, you can't send 0.00000001 BTC to someone.
Bitcoin QT won't let me. Can someone explain why?
Is this (like fixing the fee structure for sending) yet another thing the Dev team hasn't addressed yet?
If you want to send a transaction with an output less than 0.00005430 BTC, you can do it with raw transactions. If you don't want to do that, you can hire someone to modify your client for you. It is open source, and nobody except you can decide what your client can and can't do. Of course, that's true of everyone else too. You can't force me to relay your spammy dust transaction if I don't want to.
Since most of the network has chosen to run clients that won't relay your spammy dust transaction, you'll have a difficult time getting the transaction sent out onto the network. However, if you can find a miner (or mining pool) that is willing to confirm such transactions into the blocks that they create, then you can send the transaction directly to that miner. Once it is in a block, the rest of the network will acknowledge it.
I'm not sure why a miner would want to confirm your spammy dust transaction instead of a more useful transaction of another user. Especially if that other user is willing to pay the miner for the service (transaction fees).
Nothing in the protocol is preventing you from creating the transaction or getting it confirmed. Your peers just don't want to cooperate with your plans. Perhaps you need to find some better peers. Try checking out some of the other alt-coins. I'm sure you'll find one willing to relay spammy dust transactions.