On January 3, 2009, mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto created, compiled, and packaged the first source code of Bitcoin, inventing the Genesis Block with his own hands, which marked the genesis of the Bit world in its real meaning.
Today, Bitcoin has become an important force influencing the world's financial and currency structure. Waves of pioneers are constantly practicing, exploring, and pushing the spiral progress of the entire encryption world. As I see it, Bitcoin is not just a technology or a currency,
it represents a brand new idea and human civilization.
Like many other Bitcoin believers, from the moment the idea of Bitcoin stepped into my mind, I can't get rid of it anymore since it has become a part of my life.
I will never go back to the society built by centralized legal tender because I have become a member of a new human civilization.Do you feel the same? Can you still trust the fiat world?
When you breathe the fresh air, you will never be willing to go back to that muddy, bleak world. The only thing you think about is how to let the light spread quickly and render the fresh air permeate the entire time and space.
I have a question for you.
Why is Bitcoin named “Bitcoin”? Have you ever thought about it?
For the time being, Bitcoin is widely known, even to people who don't have it. But
why is that name? In effect, it is Satoshi Nakamoto who coined the title. He released the Bitcoin white paper——Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.
Why did he use that name?
The answer lies in the name itself.
Bitcoin, this word can be divided into two parts, one is ‘bit’ and the other is ‘coin’. We can understand the meaning of the latter simply, such as 'cash' or 'currency', which is also the currency attribute of Bitcoin. In terms of the former, 'bit' means small amount, and 'a bit' can be interpreted as 'a small amount'. Another significant explanation of it is
the smallest unit of information used by computer: binary.‘Bit’ set up the foundation of the entire information computer industry. The most impressive development of human civilization in the last fifty years is based on computers and the Internet. We have established a novel Internet civilization.
Bit is the cornerstone of all those civilizations.Bit, binary digit, a computer terminology, the smallest unit of information. The information contained in one unit of a binary number is one bit. For example, the binary number 0100 has 4 bits.
In binary system, each 0 or 1 is a bit, which is the smallest unit of data storage as well. Eight bits is a byte. The number of CPU bits in a computer refers to the maximum that the CPU can process at a time. CPU of 32-bit computer can manage data up to 32-digit once.
We are familiar with that concept, it just we may rarely associate it with Bitcoin.The basic composition and conversion of units in information technology:
1 Byte = 8 bit
1 KB= 1024 B
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 TB = 1024 GB
Technology is changing our world every second, but however advanced technology is, it is composed of the most basic units, namely, 0 and 1. Now have you figured out the origin of the name?
Bitcoin is essentially not for human use, it belongs to the computer world, a currency for machines.
Adopting the code language of 'machine', Bitcoin represents the evolutionary direction of a new human civilization——Digital Civilization. That is why I call this brand-new civilization created by Satoshi Nakamoto 'Bit Civilization'.
Modern computer network is founded on binary, while bit is the most basic and smallest unit of information computer network. Bit weaved the entire human information network civilization and
Satoshi Nakamoto is now embarking on a fresh value system on the basis of information network, which signifies the coming of an advanced civilization of mankind.The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word "Bitcoin" is a digital currency and I wonder why the creator of BTC does not named it after him although the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto as the creator has never been verified. As time goes by, the interest of people involved in BTC or cryptocurrency as a whole revolves around to future uses and value so no one really cares about why is it called Bitcoin