I see many of you use China's total population to estimate its influence on bitcoin. I do not think that is wrong, it is just inaccurate. Internet coverage in China is poor, computers are scare in the rural areas. Smartphones and mobile internet is unimaginably expensive for rural income. I believe bitcoin capable devices (computers and mobile phones with internet connectivity) is low, probably less than 30% of population, and out of those 30% only a small minority have the technical literacy to use bitcoin.
The total population can be viewed as a potential influence, but I cannot imagine a high percentage of China's population can learn to use bitcoin in the near future without a major change in China's bitcoin scene. It is arguable that those who are bitcoin literate, have extremely high demand for bitcoin to compensate.
China's population is a factor, it is just inappropriate to gauge influence from the total population statistic.
(You can also read my previous comment #30 on page 2)
"I believe bitcoin capable devices (computers and mobile phones with internet connectivity) is low, probably less than 30% of population"??!!!
China is not India! the penetration rate of smart phone and computer are much much higher than your imagination!
Even in the poorest area, peoples are easy to obtain computer or smart phone. Because of there are many Chinese vendor provide very cheaper smart phone and computer.
Entire China are fully covered by Internet and Cell phone signal at least 10 years ago.
The biggest obstacle for majority of Chinese to accept and use bitcoin is not capable device coverage instead, most of Chinese lack of independent thinking and scientific literacy.
They are not willing to accpet intangible assets (like BTC) which is not recognized by Govt.
I tried to convince many of my friends to buy BTC but they do not believe in it even they have master degree.
Btw, your comments reminding me a funny story:
2 years ago, a manager from Sillicon Valley just arrived at Beijing airport and, I picked him up and sent him to Beijing downtown.
One the way, he was impressed by the clear and well built express way. So he asked me if this express way was built for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?
I said: no, the express way was built 20 years ago! and you can find same express way in each city of China.
Many of Chinese knows US very well, but only few American knows China.
China do has a lot of problems, but it is not like what you think.
Money and Infrastructure are not a concern in China today, the problem is it would be hard to change people's mind in short term!