2. We are NOT the land of the "free"
McDonald's on every corner and Wal Mart in every town, but also red light cameras at every corner
Cops busting your balls because you go 5 miles over the speed limit, or forget to use a blinker
A society that claims to be equal, but is really only equal if you want the same things as everyone else (to cheat some system or win some game you think exists, simply because you have enough money to believe in things like that)
Drinking age is 21
We to have tons of internet access and available wifi
You have to travel long distances to get certain items, but it's usually cheaper.
The police can be paid, some people see this as corruption, I see it as understanding. People don't need a police record for drinking while driving, or because they have a joint. There are other solutions to small problems.
A society that is almost truly equal. Yes there is still a money gap, but the police hang out with the stoners, and the gang members go to church.
I don't even know if there is a drinking age
They have a lot less internet access and cell phone towers, but way more ancient history and modern culture.
The solution isn't bribery, it is rescinding the power of authorities to exploit you and steal your money. Instead we've institutionalized this mentality and glorified it on the Colosseum (COPS, where LEOS bag up drugs and trick people into buying them, while watchers cheer until their son can't get a job, can't vote, and has his constitutional rights rescinded as a second class citizen. Not so glorious then, is it?)
And I love traffic tickets, camped out cops looking to steal grocery money from families that can't afford to further subsidize the state - they've already been stolen from every step of the way before even getting the traffic ticket. License to drive on King's road, registered vehicle necessary for King's road, once registered must have insurance for the King's cronies! All that to be extorted by your neighbor who thinks he is doing, essentially, God's work because he's been indoctrinated to the institutionalized robbery and terror of their neighbors, while being gifted a firearm (god forbid you have one as a private citizen, SUSPICIOUS CALL DHS) and nearly unlimited psychological authority.