but gambling won't make anyone easy money. if someone think that he can make easy money for gambling then he's absolutely wrong.
gambling is just looks like easy money. but when you get enter into it and play some time. you'll realize that it is not a way to make easy money. even it make you loose and loose all your money and nothing will left for you.
Although some lucky people do win big money with gambling it happens so rare that you can say it never happens at all. One should take a look at statistics and not at separate cases which don't reflect the whole picture. So I agree wuth you, gambling is a one way track to losing.
Yes gamble indeed need the luck factor that we can not win continuously. A gambler must have experienced many defeats and just get the victory. The desire to win that is causing addiction that continues to bet to get the win. To reduce the possible defeat as you said, we have to gamble to have fun alone and bet small amounts.