It was my latest idea that triggered the thread. I thought it would be fun to have a type of prediction contest about the Bitcoin price at the time of the next halving. Members put 0.001 ( about £ 2,50 or $3.50) into a locked Bitcoin address, and the one who got closrst to the price, scooped the pool.
I tried that:
Put your money where your mouth is!It didn't work, nobody joined despite bumping the topic for a while.
It's possible that the people in speculation that are actually willing to put their money where their mouth is, are already doing so and would have very little reason to participate. That being said, I never travel to that section of the forum, but would happily participate in something like that for the fun of it and nothing else. There aren't enough people around here with a sense of community, but as our forum grows this is natural to happen; it's tough for humans to keep track of increasingly large groups in any manner that would resemble trust and camaraderie.
I'd actually love to have a real-life get together with some members here, maybe a barbecue or something with coffee and name tags. Anonymity and distrust seem to rule the day here, though and I doubt I'll ever get to meet a member face-to-face. Too bad Jet Cash is in the UK (I think). Can you put some jet ski skids on your van or something and make your way to the east coast of the US?
Let's start a fund to get Jet Cash over here and let's all go do a meet-and-greet.
Decentralization, anonymity, privacy, productivity and high-valued assets all make it difficult to coordinate a meetup. Our shared values as a community are similar to cats, they aren't very socially cohesive qualities.
The problem is how often this trolling seeps out into "real" life. People calling employers, families, making threats and filing frivolous lawsuits all make regularly trusting people suspicious of any interaction that has personal depth. Then on top of all of this is the increased amount of scrutiny that we put upon one another; our mistakes are magnified, archived and discussed for years and it is rare that anyone is given the benefit of the doubt around here.
Most people who are any good at anything are probably already getting paid to do it somewhere else.
I would've given you merit if I had the spare.
It's a big combination of all of these things. There is regularly more risk than reward when attempting to work as a community, whether that be in-person or online.