I am not computeriliterate to such a degree where this should be even remotely possible.
- snip -
Your problem has nothing to do with "computer literacy" and everything to do with basic English literacy.
Step 1. Create an account.
Step 2. Create a post in the Newbie sub forum.
Step 3. Don't flood the forum with silly useless spam. Take some time to do some reading and thinking between your posts, keeping your activity to no more than 1 post every 5 minutes.
Step 4. After at least 16 posts and a bit more than 2 weeks, you'll have full access.
In earnest, I appreciate a concise and informative explanation of basic rights/privileges and the time table in which they are to be expected. Thank you.
In response to your egregious and obviously erroneous assessment of my ineptitude re: English literacy;
I have two questions for YOU.
1. I sense in your response an insinuation that I am spamming with useless posts, when a Herocock like yourself (or your superior XCocks) demand that I do, PRECISELY THAT IN ORDER TO EARN THE RIGHT -- TO THE FREE SHARING OF INFORMATION. SO I FUCKING SHOVE AI, SHOWDOWN MIGHTY HEROCOCK BECAUSE ALL THIS FORUM IS - IS USELESS GODDAMN SPAM
2. How do I add -/+1's?
It is evident to me, that compostion is the very bedrock upon which all internet message boards are founded. If I didn't not have the compostion to create less than transparent word conglomerates I would not be here. If you did not have the compostion to say what you have in response (WITHOUT RIDING THE POLL, THUS HAR"DLY"QUINN - RIDE IT
BTCITCH) you would not have contributed to this monumentally important, mandatory Boob Saibot Post.