4- CLEAN the trading boys, and for me this its one of the most important things.
And when i said this im not saying you cant trade, but i refered to the boys who want to make money in short times and takes with they the childish way of thinking and also all the tricks of the traders. One of the worst its the “stop loss”. Because that tool produces a cascade in the Price, clearly affecting us when we are holding.
This tool make a ton of auto-sells if the Price go below and with that a cascade keep producing and the big player can make a huge profit and destroying the price.
I will like to understand better how stop loss affects price. Stop loss is only a tool in trading that limits the losses of traders and has no effect on prices. If a trader places a stop loss it doesn't change the direction of the trend and the effect of such action only affects the trader and not the market.
After we pass this storm we can have a much better financial ecosystem in crypto.
A more healthy one, i thin the NFTs made a lot of damage to the ecosystem carrying with him more and more childish thinking boys. And this was a short Little of time after the another wave of damage received by the so called “play to earn”.
Again dont missundestand me, im not opposing against this things but yes against the wave of idiots they carry.
I will agree with you that NFTs are bunch of distractions full so much noise with it's trendy nature with no value attached to it which make it uncategorically belonging to no asset class
After this negative i show you some positives.
Every time we hit a bear market here in crypto always was a step ahead.
In the first nobody talks a lot of Bitcoin and was marginal.
In the second , small investors and some snoobs invest, and some press take an eye.
In 2018 we have more serious investors and more press coverage.
And now we have a lot more serious investor, companies, investment funds.
As you can see we are ever growning and now we are maturing, we keep growing but like a human now we reach some height and we are cleaning the body of all the shit we do in our adolescence.
In human terms, crypto market maybe has 25 years old.
Disclaimer: Sorry if my semantic its not good, im not a native speaker.
Disclaimer 2 : Im not a maximalist.
Do we say we are stripping the market of all redundancy and noise at the moment, shitting away shitcoins so the market could get a new structure and looks during the next bull run.