I had a similar conversation with a friend if you take a look at all these business owners they did not start their businesses with a small amount of money, and if you come to look at it they invested when little money still had value, it was to their favor and they have built their selfies empire and they have made their self billionaire and created a generation wealth for their entire family and that is why you see that they continue to become rich that was the whole aim. and that is exactly related to Bitcoin if you are investing a huge amount of them you should at the same time have a huge profit in return. and starting up as a beginner comes with a lot of challenges even doubting, you will feel the money is not coming on time. and when you know you will have fewer worries about your investment and that is among the reasons you need to go for the knowledge before investing because you will have good control over everything.
Yes don't just start and the next thing you are already giving up you have to have goals and the same time be determined and take them seriously I always notice that different people have different strategies adopted in the market. it is best to find what works for every individual. and if you handle the market well with a huge capital then you will have a good lead then the market and you train your self to be a built professional when it comes to trading. and all the challenges that Bitcoin comes with are something that can be handled even emotionally because I came to understand that being smart is an advantage so grabbing the opportunity to trade and then making use of it wisely will show in your profits.