Banque de France obeys that ruling,
Thanks for the heads-up. Being quite fluent in french, I read the whole "Focus", and that's very positive, overall. is basically just a warning.
- French banks won't allow you to have account denominated in BTC. (opposite would have been scary).
- BTC value is not backed by any real activity, nor any underlying asset (la valeur du bitcoin n’est adossée à aucune activité réelle et n’est représentative d’aucun actif sous‑jacent). ==> Cool. How about fiat?
- If you get burnt speculating with BTC, don't run cry and run to mum.
N’offrant aucune garantie de sécurité, de convertibilité et de valeur, le bitcoin présente peu
ou pas d’intérêt pour une utilisation par les acteurs économiques, au‑delà des aspects marketing
et publicitaire, tout en les exposant à des risques importants
Since BTC offers no guarantee of convertibility(?) nor value, economic actors should ignore it, as it has (close to) no interest.
Maybe you can pull some instant victory off through marketing and ads, but you'd expose yourself to high risks (of non-sustainability).
Apart from that, they basically just say: go for it, if you feel like it. Just don't expect us backing BTC any time soon.
There is actually much less FUD than I'd have expected (still is a little, but I'm impressed).