Also if I can buy that kind of car without any problem then I don’t need to invest on Bitcoin because the business/salary that gives me the money for purchasing that luxurious car is already enough for me to sustain my financial needs.
You are comparing buying a luxurious car to Bitcoin investment while it’s obvious that only people that is financially stable can do this kind of stuff. This story will be believable if you use cheap cars instead a luxurious car specifically the top of the line for this well known brand.
Exactly, his friend came to a very rich family, imagine at the age of 20, He already have a car worth 28M?? That means he has a lot of money, and when it comes to investment, I don't think he will stuck on that mindset of purchasing luxury car rather than putting his money in some investment, for sure there are businesses coming from his family, maybe because right now he is still enjoying the things he gets but for sure he has his own plan in his life.
I also believe that this story is not true, because how can your friend get that can of money and you are telling him to come and invest in bitcoin, you know he won't accept your opinion because he will see it is a waste of time he has this can of money and you are telling him should not buy expensive things, and I am very sure he has more than that 28M in spend to purchase a car, because someone can't just spend 28M to buy a car if he didn't have another way to generate income, and if this is a true story because you said you broke up with him because of the car he bought for himself and he didn't follow your advice to invest in bitcoin, you can go back to his side because he didn't say you should stop friendly him you can tell him you are just joking