Sure, I am New here but it does not mean I am a scammer!
Scams are not moderated. Most common reasons to remove a topic: offtopic to crypto (e.g. you dont accept bitcoin or any other alt coin), double threads (you already have an existing thread).
I have openly posted my profile links to other forums. If even that's not a good enough proof then I am ready to give anything you guys want to deal with me or start having trust in me.
I am already getting sick of this forum. This forum DOES NOT have ANY set RULES for accessing Market Place & then scammers come, create New accounts & scam users which results in users like me getting punished for things which we'll NEVER EVER do i.e. scamming!
Why on Earth administrator of this forum not apply rules to access Market Place? Something to keep away scammers? I assume he gets incentives from number of scams happening here. More scams, more money for him. He is himself encouraging scams here & then so called senior members fuck up every newbie here.
Scams are not moderated because:
#1 mods cant know all scams
#2 mods dont have the time to check all services/sites/etc. for possible scams
#3 mods could misuse the power to decide what is a scam and what not, so there would be an extra layer of mod moderation needed
#4 if mods remove known scams, users might feel secure where they cant "it cant be a scam because it would have been removed"
What would that do? What is a "legal" IP change anyway?
Another pissed off user,