That's what all "economists" say until the bubble without reason to exist explodes. Letting most people peniless and few companies rich as fuck.
Always be careful for incredible markets movements not based on anything, they're mostly manipulation.
I marvel at the
faerie stories fundamental events cited in BTC as the reasons for either parabolic rises, or brutal crashes.
It's all bullshit. All of it.
Same in the wider world of 'real' markets. 7 Billion people on the planet, steadily consuming increasingly limited resources, yet in 2013, we have $150 oil because of 'Peak Oil' and 2 years later, we don't have 'Peak Oil' anymore, now have $30 Oil, cos 'China aint buying/Saudi's are Squeezing US Fracking/US is trying to nail Putin. All of it, or 95% of it, is fucking bullshit. These 'fundamental' stories come about and/or are used to add justification or emotional fuel to the Financial Funny Numbers game, which is simply a game of Buy it Low, Ramp it and then sell it High as Fuck to any sucker stupid enough to buy it.
Modern day markets are nothing but elaborate grand charades, whose purpose is merely to enrich the masters of those markets at the aggregate expense of the rest, yet the whole of modern society and economy is totally subordinate to them.
Back to Bitcoin. Bitcoin will not parabolically rise because of the *halving* or because of *the Chinese*. It will parabolically rise because a cabal of BTC whales will conspire to manufacture a parabolic rise, in which fundamental *reasons* such as the Halving or the Chinese will be used as 'justifcations' to the public to pile into Bitcoin and keep piling into Bitcoin until the point of pile in exhaustion. By all means, try and profit from these parasitic Financial Funny Number games, but don't fall into the trap of actually 'believing' in any of it. Otherwise, find yourself one day either staring at a fraction of your once fat n juicy gains, or worse still, and even more likely, finding yourself one day being a net bag holder when the Market Makers take the floor out from under Bitcoins feet, and you are left clinging to a whole bunch of Bitcoin paradigms that once upon a time, all 'made sense' and made you feeling rather clever for being smart enough to 'know them', but which suddenly, somehow, just don't seem to apply anymore.