Take a look at the U.S. stock market compared to every other country,, perhaps there’s a reason why it’s so far and beyond the rest of the world in terms of market caps and company valuations across most sectors. If you know anything about the financial markets (US at all time highs atm, after a sizable downturn /correction 1.5-2 years ago) you know the US equites and bond markets are the worlds best in terms of performance and safety /security. Again US having the most debt means one thing, belief from the rest of the world that they’ll pay it back and on time, above any other nation. Borrowing is better than using your own money if you do it right, any day of the week,
U.S.companies HAVE to report ALL financial news (good or bad) 4 times a year if they’re public. The Gov doesn’t directly control this the SEC does, I live in Illinois, it’s no secret my state is struggling in large part due to our pension budget deficit, the nations worst thanks to corruption of the STATE government officials of now and years past- https://www.illinoispolicy.org/illinois-pension-debt-grows-2-6-billion-in-2023-mainly-to-cover-raises/ . State deficits have everything to do with State issued debt instruments (bonds) and nothing to do with US treasury bonds. The agencies that control the financial systems are required to publicly report everything and Congress will shut down in bad times, also not kept a secret from the rest of the world lol.
How do I know this ? 20 years as an advisor, governed by FINRA, under SEC regulation and working with and around the different independent agencies discussed above,
America isn’t the world’s “best” country by a long shot, but its economy, currency , debt instruments /security markets are and it’s not debatable as it’s all public knowledge.
Do some homework people or at minimum provide some sort of proof to your idiotic
Utterly false. Proof from just 3 weeks ago - https://youtu.be/cN3x_9wEfrI?si=umU7Ck38UfsGDyF9
I don't follow what others say or news i follow to indicators i watch fed data and instututional data.
And those indicators show's to me that financial markets are in trouble but btc and gold are protected.
I suggest to you become trader and full financial person with full knowledge it's your own benefits then you start see things things like i do study and learn also the mechacals of markets and how they work.
I see now bond market have issues and anyone who know everything about finances and markets knows that it's serious now and If it's bad in usa it has bad impact over the UK and Europe also becouse all the financial system are run by USA Fed.