A) A highly unprofitable business
B) A high risk business that requires much liquidity
C) A business that requires a massive userbase from day 1 in order to break even.
Excusing the moral and economical retardation of running a penny auction site, as a bitcoin business I do in fact wish you luck in your endeavor. We actually have some support for your site from our own group (which I don't quite understand myself but whatever).
This thread though looks like the kind of stupid self promotional scammy threads that Leo Camilo from coinexchanger.com would make to remind you that "HE IS A LEGIT UNREGISTERED ILLEGAL BUSINESS YOU CAN TRUST OH BTW BITCOIN IS FAKE MONOPOLY MONEY".
Probably don't want to post these types of threads anymore.
Not sure who Leo Camilo is or the history behind that, but in hindsight, I guess the title is misleading in my intent. From my first post I was mainly suggesting that there is a strategy to penny auctions; I guess people I can see how people conclude that I'm promoting the penny auction model as a great investment scheme of some sort. I do not consider penny auctions an investment in anyway; it's a fun game that some people like to play and there's a strategy to give users an advantage.
I have two customer bases, traditional penny auction users and new bitcoins users. The traditional PA users already use these strategies and I was posting to inform bitcoin users on my site of these techniques.
Also note that our site is not anywhere close to being run like a traditional penny auction site. Users can create their own penny auctions plus we cater mainly to low value items. The goal of our site is to become a bartering exchange not for us to be a major powerseller.
You should never have to purchase anything from our site to use the site.