I clearly forget Bitcoin whitepaper, but how about discussion about it's implementation on Bitcoin Core? AFAIK pruned node on Bitcoin Core works differently from Bitcoin whitepaper
It's only since the rise of dishonest ethereum pumpers which have nodes that do not validate the history and, instead, blindly trust miners up to a day before like SPV wallets intentionally creating confusion about Bitcoin's security model in order to fraudulently imply equivalence, that I've seen confusion on this circulate.
For newbies.
They call them "light-nodes", which they describe as nodes that are "still part of the network", but in truth only act as like an SPV, and are NOT part of the network. They don't check, and relay blocks.
SPV (whether it's Bitcoin or Ethereum) still perform some kind of check/verification
BUT, this is a very important point, SPVs ARE NOT part of the network. The don't verify transactions/blocks if valid/follow the rules, and the don't relay transactions/blocks after verified as valid/follows the rules.