Therefore, the main plus that I see in the legalization of gambling is that it does not restrict the freedom of people.
You are free to waste your money anywhere you want.This is an important part of freedom.
The main benefit of gambling legalization is supposed to be keeping the mobsters and loan sharks away from this industry.
However,I'm not sure how the mobsters and loan sharks would stay away,since they could create legal businesses and still run casinos.
This is the same question as "Why should prostitution be legalized?"
There's no way that prostitution will be totally banned.This "industry" will continue to exist forever and it would be better,if the governments are regulating it,rather than trying to oppress it.
Prostitution is the oldest craft, there's no way it can be totally banned, and some countries are trying that... the same is with gambling and drugs! We should be free to do what we want with our money and body! That should be an important part of freedom... but many countries keep these 3 things in the dark and all people who are doing one of these 3 things in the wrong country can get jail time!
All 3 things should be legalized and decriminalized like it's the case with some countries already! People should be free and live normal lives, without hiding even they are not doing anything really bad!
In the end, if we take a look entire situation from the start, these 3 things are around since the world exist and they are here to stay! Making them illegal is probably one of the worst decisions ever made... the result is too many nonviolent people are sitting in jails!