I think the problem is that it is very easy to launch a coin. Everything you need is freely available. What is not easy is to support and promote a coin. So anything that looks remotely like a scam gets a lot of hate mail at first until it has proved itself.
Things that look like scams:
1) Proof of work based coins that have been pre-mined (mined before they launch to the public) such as the one you linked to. Really there is no need to pre-mine, as long as the development team have the hardware they can mine just as well with the few new followers that a coin picks up at the start.
(I am not completely certain but it appears that proof of stake coins are pre-mined by default if that actually means anything for this type of coin. I am sure someone will correct me.)
2) Poor support, but this is harder to tell at the beginning.
3) Name copying, such as the coin you mentioned. Using someone else's good name to support your coin is just deceptive.
4) Just a copy. If it can only be used to do what BitCoin does then whats the point? See below.
What's should a new coin have:
1) A niche, for example NameCoin is use to buy .bit domains which means that it has a real value as long as people want .bit domains.
NXT or Mastercoin or Bitshare which all have the goals of representing real items so they can be traded. Again there is real value there other than what you can already do with BitCoin.
2) Good support. Meaning questions get answered, bugs get fixed quickly, you do not loose your money... Support is hard work so it represents commitment. All praise to the people supporting the coin.
3) A good brand image. For example Annon Coin for the dark web is probably not the best image for your coin if you expect to have a large following (I may be wrong
4) Support in the bricks and mortar world (but that is hard for a new coin to achieve). If you can use it to do something then its worth having.
4) Better technology. Proof of Stake which uses far less energy than Proof of Work is better technology. The Primes based mining of PrimeCoin offers a better use of mining as a foundation for a coin. But Protoshares, which represent a stake in future niche Coin launches is also a better use of the current technology and a better approach to pre-mining which produces an instant user base instead of a few 'wealthy' people.
Anything I have missed out?
It is improvements in application and technology that are important at the moment. This means, at least form my point of view, some coins have to fade away and new better coins have to take their place. So new coins are not bad. New coins that offer nothing new, however, are a waste of good people, energy and time.