Spoetnik's posts are often spot on but unfortunately they are always completely wrong about Monero. Whenever Spoetnik touches a topic related to Monero, anger levels reach unhealthy levels and bad temper arises. One day Spoetnik will understand the need for private transactions, because without privacy there is no freedom. Sometimes he loses his mind and posts unrelated material, but that seldom happens in the grand scheme of things. Overall Spoetnik is an anonymous character that comes here to propagate serious and thought-out opinions on all things cryptocurrency, yet is primarily perceived as a hobbyist web forum entertainer.
There is NOTHING anynonmous about me..
- My name has been posted here on the forum.
- My IP address and ISP provider has been posted.
- A picture of me has been posted on more than one occasion.
- I have also shared a variety of personal pictures and information about myself here.
I have been wide open and honest from day one about who am and where i live and what drives me.
By the way if you missed the personal info or can't find it ?
That is your problem and i think you are a low skilled idiot ROFL
..and i will not feed it to the real TROLLS either (want it ? then work for it)
But yeah by all means lets get back to talking about crypto currencies (not block-chain based schemes for profit)Monero ?
All i have ever said is there is a handful of guys that are supporting it or are connected to it
that have been showing bad behavior throughout Crypto for 2 years.
A lot of deception, Trolling, Manipulation and worse of all mass ADVERTISING + DENIAL about it !
The never ending problem with Monero is the same old guys now for 2 whole years
have continually been caught up in drama and then carry in in complete denial afterwards.
They actually think they have a perfect squeaky clean image.. when they clearly do not.
That screams dishonesty big time !
on the coin itself ?
I don't like the Anonymous angle / agenda they are pushing with it or others like Dash etc.
I think the concept of the feature is a bad idea to pursue.. nor do i think it is NEEDED !
All i can say after that is i am an analytical and a logical minded person.
My comments are orchestrated for dramatic flare & style (because most of you are so boring it makes my eyes bleed)
So i don't swear occasionally because i am angry WOW German freak-out Kid on Youtube..
getting all angry (it is an OLD meme)
i do it to paint a picture
I'd love to see more of the Crypto Scene players come into their own with their own style.
Be yourself but please try not to be so damn boring guys..