'freelancer' zero hour contract, no guarantee of minimum wage jobs fake the unemployment numbers.
many many more people lost proper full time employment. and ended up working for things like Uber and amazon delivery. which is not a guaranteed proper contracted employment.
heck even trump himself threw out and reshuffled many of his aids in the last few years. in short under trumps administration there is no such things as 'job security'
many retailers had many jobcuts. where their 'hiring plan' is 90% part time
so if you actually count year-on-year fulltime employment numbers.
manufacturing decreased
the number of full time employed people has gone down.
its like if i sacked you from a 40hour job. and then rehired you for 18 hours and hired someone else for 18 hours. well to trump thats 2x employment. but reality is my salary costs(citizen income) has gone down. and i am now putting 2 people into the 'poverty line' by not earning a salary that can cover all daily costs
just think about the real statistics and not the trump PR campaign
put it this way
with more then 3.8million people turning 'of age' and only 1mill retiring
=2.8m extra working age people.
only 2mill increase in fulltime employment
if you look at the 'quits level' which is about 3mill a month. but the 'job openings' to fill these vacancies do not equal that
so not only are there 800k newly eligable for work people straight out of school. not getting jobs. but those in jobs that resign/dismissed. are not having their roles replaced.
read this for some insight into 'incentives' employers have
this means if they employ someone for 121 hours (>12hours a day for for 10 days) they only have to pay someone 60% costs because 40% is covered by government.
so dismissing(turning over) staff regularly is cost effective
so those on social security for certain disabilities. or just unemployment benefits or a veterin. are finding that they are treated like spinning plates. employed short term and dismissed for silly reasons
this happens alot in retail/hospitality/leisure. hiring 'seasonal staff'