Bitcoin is established. For people to switch to one of the scamcoins, that scamcoin needs to provide more value than bitcoin does. So far, none of them provides more value, and almost all of them provide less value, sometimes even negative.
For me, the funny part was when he quoted someone saying they didn't know what the fair price for bitcoin was. So much wrong with that...
Bitcoins have ZERO established value. You cannot value bitcoins at all.
Whatever you say, is pretty much emotional opinion, unless you can state how bitcoins have a established value and how it would be measured, and WHY?
The purpose bitcoin serves, is also served by other crypto currencies as well. You must remember, money is only a medium of exchange unless it also has intrinsic value like gold.
Gold is valued because of the exactness of it's extraction. Bitcoin started off being extracted for next to nothing and tens of thousands were mined for next to nothing, now they are mined with extreme difficulty and cost, and with much less earned. This is NOTHING like gold, in it's mining features, despite how much Satoshi tried to make it similar.
Without an intrinsic value that can be measured, it still serves purpose and has value, but it's different. It has value in it's ability to serve as a medium of exchange. It's speed, accuracy, inability to chargeback, and anonymity and low transaction fee costs. That is bitcoins value, but it cannot be measured in dollars consistently unless all bitcoins were mined at the same value and cost.