1. Bitcoin has to show that it is the dominant crypto platform with a long staying power. However to prove that, it needs large scale buy and hold from wall street, resulting in catch 22 situation.
2. If you look at one of Peter Thiel's videos (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUMgK0TyV1Q), he talks about supporting monopolies. Bitcoin is an open system, hence no monopoly is likely which we should be happy about.
3. Wall street understands companies, even companies with platforms (Apple, Google, Microsoft, facebook, etc). They do not understand or invest vast sums into platforms that are not associated with one dominant company. Example-Linux and now bitcoin.
4. Cons of bitcoin (from the wall street perspective): bitcoin does not have a single charismatic leader that Wall Street comes to trust (a la Gates, Jobs, Besos, Zuckerberg, Page/Brin).
Conclusion: Wall street will try to build up and promote some crypto 2.0 (ethereum) that is/are associated with certain leaders (Buterin/Wood) or an alternative 1.0 (XRP). We'll see if that works.
Bitcoin has to survive and thrive WITHOUT wall street, as was originally intended.
I believe Bitcoin is a jointly funded government/private firm en-devour. Almost something a la backyard DARPA. I think the purpose of this technology is to divert the eventual release of the USD as the world reserve into something the global economy can use in the wake of the massive USD decay. America no longer can/wishes to be the world's bank, but with so much of the world tied to the USD since the oil/trade agreements of the 70s, it would collapse even the largest of powers (China for instance) if the US were to just stop printing.
You, me, big companies; sure, yeah we all want to make money off this. This isn't without its merits, but the big picture is something larger than money. It's power. Pegging the eventual release of the USD as world reserve to a world currency like Bitcoin or something like it (check out SDRs from the IMF) is genius. Right now, we have a bunch of scammy people with money stealing dollars from early investors and speculators. If you have the means to hold out, the real profits come after all Bitcoin has been minted. Exchanges will fold, the blockchain will be mature and those who hold either enormous amounts of Bitcoin (or whatever the digital currency is) or fiat will be the winners and in control.