Sure, why not? ROFL considering how hard it seems to be for you boys to grasp intersectionality, nuance of social intelligence, and the basic fundamentals of social politics it makes sense that you'd start pulling up bullshit theories as to my motivations instead of admitting you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Call me a Marxist or whatever you like. Last week it was a feminist, a transgender person, whatever... Y'all are really invested in missing the point.
Just because people are critical of your ideology does not automatically make you so superior that people simply can't comprehend your intelligence. How arrogant and narcissistic do you have to be to really believe that? xD
What I stated is not any bullshit theory, it is a fact. Clearly you don't even have any clue where the ideologies you mindlessly repeat like a parrot came from, so much so when I confront you with its origins you believe it to be some kind of conspiracy theory. Anyone can look this stuff up and verify it, even you, but you won't because it challenges your confirmation bias therefore you will actively ignore the documented history of your ideology.
here is the definition of "intersectionality" from the feminist wiki:
"Intersectionality is a concept often used in
critical theories to describe the ways in which oppressive institutions (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism, etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another. The concept first came from legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989 and is largely used in
critical theories, especially Feminist theory, when discussing systematic oppression. When possible, credit Kimberlé Crenshaw for coining the term "intersectionality" and bringing the concept to wider attention." short, even your feminist sisters are telling you that your ideology is based on Critical Theory. If you bother to read about it for more than 30 seconds, you will see very clearly how critical theory and marxism overlap, not just in dogma and ideology, but in its documented historical roots. Feminism itself was one of the original core tenets of Marxism, not that you would know that because you choose to remain willfully ignorant on this subject matter so that you can continue to tell yourself your supremacist ideologies are acceptable because you are "oppressed". You wouldn't want to have to check your own privilege now would you? Of course not, you are the inquisitor who gets to tell everyone else they should check themselves from your self proclaimed position of superiority right? Tell me some more about how I don't know what I am talking about little girl. I can tell already we are going to be the best of friends here. Inseparable.