It will be easier to aquire Bitcoins, but harder to aquire the same amounts of Bitcoins.
It will only be harder to *Mine* the same amounts of bitcoins. It wont be harder to acquire the same amounts.
It will become significantly easier to acquire them if you are purchasing them straight-out.
The only way they'd be harder to acquire in the same amounts, is if the price went up.
But when something becomes easy to acquire and quantity (mined) is going up, its value goes down, compared to when it was hard to acquire and quantity was limited.
Isn't that the process?
There are 21 mio Bitcoins max, simple math tells us that the price has to skyrocket if Bitcoin goes mainstream.
There wont be a cap on the number of available coins for 40 years.
So its limit wont have any relevance until that time comes.
Once they are easy to obtain, their quantity will continue to rise.
During this time period, I am theorizing that their value will decrease significantly.