Imagine an electronic producer that pays $10,000 for 1 gram of gold, while in the same time a metal with better electrical properties costs less then a cent.
Imagine a trader who gives his 10,000 units of fiat currency X for the same amount of fiat currency Y, although the bank created X with his 5,000 square foot luxury mansion as a collateral, while the collateral for X was only Kia Pride vehicle.
Imagine an investor that pays $1,000 for a stock with a book value of $1 and earnings of $0.01, while in the same time he can buy a stock with a book value of $2,000 and earnings of $500 for the same amount of money.
Imagine a guy that pays $1,000 for the Cheeseburger while in the same time he can get the Big Mac for only $1.
The above scenarios would be crazy because no one would trade his thing for something that has thousands or millions time less utility. Nor would someone pay a thousand or a million times more money for the same or even worse thing. That is why the above scenarios are not possible in reality.
But... in the crypto world, they are possible. People are paying thousands or even million times more for bitcoin than for some altcoins, even though these coins have the same features as bitcoin. Functions and features of cryptos are pretty straightforward. Elimination of expensive brokers, lawyers, and other typical “middlemen”. Low transaction costs. Transactions are transparent, quick, permanent, and hard to fake. Cryptos that are priced below $0.001 have all these functions and features. But, people in the crypto world buy bitcoin that is priced above $7,000. They are paying pay millions time more for the same thing. Why they behave so irrationally?
you cant blame user for not buying new altcoin today because the risk is very high
some of the new altcoin is created just to take your money or to scam people
many of them look legit but in the end, the team behind it will just vanish or stop developing the coin