Yet not uncommon. When there is a connection to third world countries its something that can happen. Have seen a few stories of the same ilk.
Moral of the story is life is cheap in certain parts of the world.
You obviously don't watch much news.
Life is cheap is the US and Canada too, not just third world countries.
i definitely agree with you.. life is cheap all over world.. but in third world countiries. the worst one.. everyone is worthless in those countries..
No, it's white people who make lives worthless in-underdeveloped countries. Many structurally issues, including what is said to be "conservative" or "backwards" in other countries are actually legacies of the colonization of the world by White Supremacy. So when people point to them and say "oh that's so terrible" it's extra fucked up because it's terrible because of the actions of First World countries.
Are we supposed to take you seriously when you blame a whole race for why the world is the way it is?
If you came at things with a little less venom I would be interested in the viewpoints you offer but you seem to have a agenda here.
No, you're supposed to understand how to research history and understand what terms like White Supremacy, Colonization, and the last 500 years of history including Slavery, the creation of Israel etc etc...
But I mean, by all means go ahead and keep saying stupid shit. I've got my popcorn and it'll be interesting to see what happens when you boys can start keeping up with intersectional conversation.
Research because I obviously have no clue till you came into the thread,right?
All my posts have been in one vein and you are expanding them to make a point that does not hold to me.
The argument is about third world Countries having a lesser value on life and you took offense to this!
For some reason it is wrong to say that life is cheaper when people are suffering and trying to get by.
Am not attacking women,neither am I putting a race to the argument. So please do not throw these flaky ideas into the argument if they do not pertain to the issue I am constructing.