Ironically, most "truthers" get angsty when I start question their theories. Isn't that the point of being a truther... questioning what you've learned about everything everywhere?
I welcome any person with a strong functioning brain stem and reasonably decent IQ to listen the PhDs and scholars
I linked to and the evidence and argument that Mossad did 9/11 and then I doubt none of them can rationally make good arguments against the theory.
Of course most people are too lazy/busy to expend 3 - 4 hours digesting the videos as I did, and also because they’ve seen so much crap in the past about UFOs, reptilians, and other diversionary disinformation crap that was ostensibly injected by Mossad to create confusion and discredit the truth.
I am saying that potentially you are wrong about who created Bitcoin. There have been so many different people that have been called Satoshi Nakamoto before, with all sorts of proof in each case. Now you think you've solved it? Think about how crazy you sound to the old timers that have heard the "Satoshi Was Found" story 100 times by now. You do appear to have some proof, but as far as I can tell, you and I both will most likely never know who Satoshi was. There is not a way to prove you wrong, just as there is not any way to prove that you aren't wrong. So please stop asking me to do so. Maybe you are right? I can't prove either way...
Criminal investigators look for motive, capability, and strong circumstantial/corroborating evidence. I found all three. All other prior attempts to identify Satoshi were diversionary disinformation crap that was ostensibly injected by Mossad to create confusion and discredit the truth.
Same with the purported Segwit attack by the miners... that's way out in left field too. There is no way to definitively prove it right or wrong.
Technologically it is “right” (i.e. correct) to state the attack is technically plausible.
I think it is more unlikely than the first theory, due to the amount of risk mounting an attack on Bitcoin Segwit/2x will have for the attackers,
I believe the attackers will only do it if it a sure win-win. And so they must presumably wait until the accumulated SegWit (and possibly other miners’ spent BTC) booty is huge enough that it is impossible for them to lose.
yet I still admit that it is possible. However, you claim Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash are safe havens if such an event were to occur, but I have deduced the opposite.
There will be many thousands of very angry people (real people, regular joe blows...) that got screwed, because a lot of people own only Segwit/Segwit2x tokens. I can imagine the "Bitcoin Was A Scam" news headlines scaring investors away from the crypto market in general, but even more so with Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.
Well I am expecting a possible boost in the 8MB BCH due to the failure of 2X before any SegWit booty attack.
And ditto LTC as it is 2X (i.e. 2MB) with SegWit.
But BCH might still benefit also from a SegWit attack because Bitcoin’s difficulty adjustment is very slow at 2 weeks, so a crashing BTC price will make the BCH orders-of-magnitude more profitable to mine, thus potentially sending BCH mooning while BTC is collapsing.
No, just no... all you have to do is let the other "sheep" know what happened. People are a little smarter than sheep brah. Just saying...
They herd towards price movement which leads them though.
IMO, SHA256 (and possibly Scrypt) as a hashing method is done as far as I'm concerned if this attack goes down, and so is any cryptocurrency that uses it. If this attack happens, then I will sell every single SHA256 token I have, and I will spend a very long time trying to convince people of that being the only way to punish the thugs that attacked Bitcoin. Let the bag holder's (miners/whales) be stuck with useless and valueless bags (usless mining hardware or effectively valueless tokens).
I don’t think so. BTC will become stronger (after some collapse in price and recovery) because it remained immutable as no Core thugs were able to monopolize the mutation of the blockchain for their bankster masters who funded them. Whereas BCH was an airdrop not a hard fork. The point being that the free market should decide which mutation is valuable, by making them all airdrops and not the anointing one over the others by some NYA of whales. Nevertheless, I think the entire Core thuggery is really just a Hegelian dialectic by design, to take BTC from sheep when immutability is ultimately restored. Again this is not a certain outcome nor is the timing certain. I reiterate this is a speculative interpretation of what I perceive may be the reality behind the curtain so to speak, although technological facts are in the open for anyone to analyse.
Of course, my speculation could end up entirely incorrect or it could happen years from now when everyone has long since concluded I was smoking my own Koolaid.Hopefully, we as a community can set precedence for such an event in PoW cryptocyrrencies... If someone amassed enough hash power to attack a certain hashing algorithm, then as punishment the cryptocurrencies using such hashing algorithm are sold off, never used again, and campaigned against. A true show of force from the community could prevent future similar attacks from rogue miners and whales. This is the only way in my mind to punish 51% attackers, and I would hope most people in the community will back me up.
The community of sheep was dumb enough to create a booty that forces miners to steal it otherwise it will always be a threat that some other miners will. It is a power vacuum.
The stupid community fucked up.
The very poor logic skills of most people is for me like someone scraping the chalk board with their fingernails.
I think the biggest benefactors of such an event will be different forms of PoS, PoW cryptocurrencies that utilize a different hashing algorithm, and cryptocurrencies that had nothing to do with the attack. Ethereum, Ripple, Monero, etc... (all other let's say... top 50 alternative cryptocurrencies) would perform better post-attack, because community confidence in Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash/Litecoin will be shattered.
Except all that other shit is mutable by thugs (whale circle-jerks) that control them.
The immutability of Bitcoin will demonstrate that it alone is unique and trustworthy.
You don't want to anger the sheep herd, as they may just kill you to death with their cuteness!
The sheep created the damn booty which destroys the security. Sheep herd right over the cliff every damn time while only seeing the ass of the sheep in front of them.
Oh... and they will make sure that the other sheep know Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash/Litecoin is a scam! You already have The sheep where you want them, why anger them uneccesarily and cause a potentially devastating amount of blowback? The social media pitchfork mafia will never rest.
I think that in this post I have elaborated on different dynamics of what I have termed Social Consensus in prior posts/bligs, and how I think it should ideally play out.
I expect the only blowback will temporal such as the sound of all the sheep exhaling as they hit the valley floor after falling to their deaths from the cliff. And any possible crypto winter opportunity for whales to load up on more cheap BTC sold off by those who are marked-to-market by a hard (re)turn to reality.