The people nowadays talking about an imminent economic crisis are far more credible than just the talk show and blog pundits. Real experts that often make accurate predictions are warning of serious fiancial problems ranging from local to national to global. It won't happen all at once, but this may be the opportunity to show what Bitcoin can do to create a completely new financial system. This will take more than the core functions crafted by the development team, it will take mobilized efforts of users to educate the marketplace of ideas. Are we getting ready?
Umm...with regards to your entire starting argument: saying something doesn't make it so. While I don't consider the world to be in its finest shape, we are far, far from anything that you speak of.
Ignoring the fact that the planet has mortgaged somewhere between 50-100 years of its production from the future into the recent past 20-30 years does not mean that the world
isn't far, far, far from anything you speak of....
Laws of economics are laws of human nature and therefore, eventually and inexorably, immutable. Pretending it isn't so doesn't make it not so...
I see some assertions, but i don't see citations. A man can mortgage years of his income and still be ok. Why can't we? We have created tremendous of amounts of capital. Capital demands an income. Those who wish to lend it, lend. Those who wish to invest it, invest it.
You do realize that credit is a huge driver of growth, right? Debt is not evil.
Please look up the dollar amount of goods that we have produced in the past 5 years versus the rest of history. The past 50 (or is is 100?) years worth of production doesn't seem like a big issue when world production is expanding at it's current rate.
Only be worried when the resources run out, and at that point, I hope to god we are in space. We have at least 40 years.