Bill Still (the guy who is plugging Quarkcoin) is THE guy on monetary reform and has a huge following.
Check out his excellent free YouTube film: "The Money Masters" (3.5 hours, so get comfortable).
He also has a more recent, shorter free YouTube film called "The Secret of Oz" which is great.
The best one-hour overviews of how our current debt-based money system works are: "Money as Debt I, II, III."
The best book that I have come across is by Michael Rowbotham: "The Grip of Death:...". Bill Still also has a book: "No more national debt."
Bill Still also does. "The Still Report." on YouTube.
The best website/organisation that I have come across on the topic of money reform is:
www.positivemoney.comBill Still's two key recommendations are: 1) Governments should no longer be allowed to lend money that they don't have; and 2) Banks should no longer be able to lend money that they don't have (i.e., no more fractional reserve lending...1 to 1 only).