Others accept intensely that innovation will safeguard us out once more, that smart primates will dependably locate another apparatus that will enable us to separate always stuff from the planet.
Up until this point. Changes in horticulture, back, government, assembling and transportation kept pace with the populace development.
The advancement in technology improved economy from past many years but do you think it will grow forever or their will be reduction in resources?
When resources become scarce, competition and innovation typically have historically driven new advancements which lead to a larger economy. There are probably limits on innovation, but nobody knows exactly what they are. Just as 100 years ago, nobody could have envisioned what an internet economy would have looked like or even imagined it to be possible, we cannot know what innovations will occur in the future. And as certain resources become scarce, we find substitutes. There are physical limits on this as well, but scarcity has been pretty good as spawning advancements and alternatives to the scarce resource.