Bitcoin Mining Map from Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index does not show Oman.
It’s an interesting site you’ve provided and I must say thanks yo that, given all the statistics it’s got set up although, the Greenhouse Gases Emission status wasn’t clickable on my end so, I wasn’t able to verify on what is or what could be on that.
Still, the possible reason as to why the states might not have been recorded is possibly due to the fact that, the project isn’t fully launched or functional yet. The OP states that, it’s got a mapped town for the purpose of mining.
that Oman the well known Oil rich city sets aside a mapped town for Crypto mining
One thing I know for sure is the exposure that would come to this part of the world and not just them but, the globe at large as the campaign for more acceptance and creating a space where bitcoin would be used along with everyday fiat currency for a more stable society would be the case.
Even the more better for Oman, the project is coming just before the halving and would meet a bullrun to spike the economy of its people.