I guess it isn't a good idea to spend money that's lent on you 'cause it'll be a waste. Even you have maximum level of skills and very great at a specific game, it'll not give you any benefits. There's a lot of what if running here, so what if you lose the game with a single mistake? then you'll that money and will have a problem to give it back on the lender. I don't want those kinds of people that thinks gambling is the solution to multiply their money. I want to share my experience with this, I bet on a team that's I'm very confident with and 100% will win the match but look what happened, I lose a lot even tho I trust my predictions on it.
People need to experience losing huge amount before they will learn their lessons.
Borrowing is really a big NO in gambling, yet, many gamblers are in deep debt.
Even if you feel that you are an expert on a particular game, you can't guarantee that you will emerge as winner.
If you want a peaceful life even if you are into gambling, just make sure you are playing using your own money and not borrowed from someone.
NO, people do not need to experience huge lost in order to learn.
People can learn from other's experiences, losing huge amount is something really bad.
Some people may learn from it ofc but some others may not even realize anything after the huge lost and get even worst life.
In case of getting a loan for gambling, it is a common thing no matter in real life or in online casinos.
If someone want to borrow money for gambling, he/she need to make sure that he/she has stable income to pay back the money in case he/she lose the borrowed money.
One more thing, people should not borrow too big amount. Lets say someone has a monthly salary of $1,000 so if he want to borrow money then he should borrow few percent of his monthly salary only.
Max 10% of the salary is recommended, so he can still pay the money back easily once he get the monthly salary.