It's never recommended to take out loans when you have investments that you can sell a portion of to take care of your urgent need of money. You shouldn't have a well and go to your neighbour to borrow water just because you don't want to fetch water from your own well but waiting for it to get filled up.
There are some people that have done the borrowing and succeeded in playing back but it doesn't work that way for everyone. The borrowing fit be the start of your downfall because we know say all this loan people no dey use normal eye do business including the banks too.
Some of them want make you they owe them forever and you no go fit pay so them for use you as they want or seize your property. Avoiding debts go do you better than taking on debts. You fit they hodl and still no live long to enjoy am so make you no dey over do things.
There are times it doesn't make sense to sell especially when the needs aren't urgent like when you want to buy a want and not a need, you shouldn't sell in any circumstances for that purposes.
Na true talk you talk here, some people wey don go borrow money wey ordinarily them for fit pay back without stress, them go come observe say when time reach to pay back, E come dey hard them to raise that small money talk more of to pay am. Although sometimes, some of these scenarios no be spiritual something, fit turn out to be say some unforeseen consequences don come up which of course dey very normal.
Some people why them dey encounter problem with taking loan be say, them go know fully well say with their current income level, no how wey them go fit use pay back the money and them go just zero mind collect the loan with hopes of miracle or magic to occur for them tomorrow. And when that time reach now, them go come dey run around like rat wey them put fire for tail. Na why our people talk say, “mouth wey some person dey take borrow money, no be the same mouth him go take pay back”.
Again, E depends on the kind of investment wey person do too, and your financial goals, na E go determine whether you go fit actually withdraw part of the money take sort yourself out. For example, if person get Bitcoin stash wey him Dey plan to hodl for at least 2 years, and maybe as him just buy am, Bitcoin price come drop small and the emergency come come up, Omo me I no fit advise such person to go withdraw money from there oo, plus, Bitcoin supposed to be long term investment, no be investment person supposed just touch anytime person get small wahala if not, E go take you longer than planned to achieve your financial goals.
But if the investment nah just one of these Altcoins investment, I fit confidently withdraw some money there take settle my wahala, because I no too trust altcoins profitability for the long term, anything fit happen at anytime and you fit lose everything so I fit collect money there anytime need arise.