ETF is not priced in at all. Just watch the price when they announce this is approved.
Absolutely it is - People might think to hold for a week or 2 here on Bitstamp and Huobi - but if price doubles that means the ETF price would double, therefore mean the USD wont be buying the coin off Nasdaq at a greater loop they will just wait until they figure where their entry level wants to be.
Its not like these coins are NEW and being purchased as such, these are old coins and without new fiat they sit in Winklviis hands, is this really what they want? More than likely no as they want to make USD off fees in the business otherwise they would have just held the coins in paper wallets themselves and saved a shit ton of money in not paying to get ETF passed.
I'm very sure you are very wrong. We'll see when the ETF is approved who of us is correct