Perhaps you should try to use it yourself, both the rotators have ads covering the page, and one of the banners even cover the 'next' button, which isn't very user friendly. A dream faucet rotator would be one without ads and easy to use. Since ads/ref banners help earn some revenue, so there are so many of them, but you must think the long term.
Users that find your rotator clean and easy to use would bookmark it to use in the future, whereas unsatisfied users would not come the second time. I suggest you limit your ads to only one first, and make the faucet load a full page, because currently it is squeezed that you even have to scroll sideways. Make it a normal full page, and make sure the faucets are paying, and you're good.
Faucets aren't really rewarding, so making a faucet rotator won't get you much also, I've stop updating my faucetlists for a long time too.