But no one on your team has development experience? So there is a
good marketer (critical) and that's it? Will need to think about this again.
Thanks Woody20285, You are totally right and I have been thinking about all this again!
For a coin to be successful it must have a purpose and this project had it but is missing a great development team. I don't have the last one. I have created a book and 2 songs while belonging to a community in crypto. I did not have in my mind to have created a coin it just came to me just after I completed the book and the songs so I decided to do this just like an experiment to see if it works but it does not work like that. To do something like this you need a big team behind it and much much more! and it's better to realise this sooner than later
I will close this thread and I wish all the projects out there the best