I don't know how else to prove it, I could show all that over skype or team viewer to prove its not fake and those people are not my alts, its obvious and I wouldn't take to myself for ages since all of those people with old messages with me.
Here I proved you that someone would be willing to buy it for 500 cash today he said, he is a cheap ass so he think I would let him get it cheap ....
I will just tell him that you are willing to sell it for $500 worth of bitcoin in 2 weeks, but he sure won't charge bitcoins before I am sure gonna sell or of course, default the loan which won't happen cause last thing I would want is to lose my Axe lol, and ask him to make account here and send you PM or ask him to msg you from his fb or what you prefer?
And you expect someone to approve that? you would accept to be like him and just have another random guy having your money in 2 weeks for something you don't even understand? cause its not his business I am trying to get a loan and you trying to get him a part of it while he shouldn't.
You know what, I have shared too much stuff, too much private conversations and my own fb and friends for all of this shit and I am still being called a scammer.
Fuck this shit, I don't want a loan anymore, I will just sell the Axe for 700 or 800 bucks and do what I wanted with the money, my business is more important than the game and than wasting my time 24/7 trying to give you proof that you will deny before even seeing it just because you don't wanna believe it.
Its impossible to convince someone who is already convincing himself the opposite of what you are trying to convince him.
#Closed and thanks for anyone who was open to help anyway and was just looking for more solid proof instead of just attacking me just for the reason I am a newbie here and nothing else.