i remember one of those super old lady, they asked her what was her secret to live so long, and she said that she was eating 3 eggs per day
after that day i started eating 3 eggs a day as well, now i feel more fuller in the morning
Surely it's just a genetic lottery win? Humans certainly aren't designed to live that long and people with perfectly respectable lifestyles drop dead in their 50s and 60s every day.
If I was still above ground at 115 I'm not sure I'd be too pleased unless I'd been thoroughly upgraded along the way.
yes it is, but it has also been scientifically proven that a healthy diet , prolongs your life
I remember one of those super old lady, they asked her what was her secret to live so long, and she said that she was eating 3 eggs per day
after that day i started eating 3 eggs a day as well, now i feel more fuller in the morning
It will work with some people, and will not work with someone else. In the Caucasus region of the former Soviet Union, there was a man called Shirali Muslimov (died in 1973), who claimed that he was 168 years old. Some Russian researchers also confirmed his claim, from the census records. He claimed that yoghurt was the secret for his longeivity. The Danone company made a lot of publicity about it, to sell their yoghurt products.
it seems more of a joke, my example can more resemble the true, eggs are the superior choice in terms of food, they have everything, vitamins minerals and the best proteins, they also contain some omege 3
there is no comparison with youghurt or any other food