how many of you have tried to transport all of your silver across town esp. if you hold a "large" amount of it? everyone here knows when i liquidated all my junk silver early last year i almost broke my back lugging bag after bag after bag over to the local coin dealer. and i was above the average hoarder of silver at the time.
but here's the point. i was still just one guy who would need silver to transact if silver ever reverted to it's real money status. it's not possible for silver or any metal to flow fast enough or far enough or often enough to fill the huge debt hole we've created for ourselves worldwide. the worldwide economy would still collapse.
2020! the end of the world as we know it! or 2013
Silver is money. Our constitution in the USA says it and many many societies through history used it as money. I'm. It saying that it will be the choice for most transactions. What I am saying is that it is a store of value. S0302 or whatever his name is is wrong that the physical price will fall far. In 2008 when silver went below $10 in the paper market the physical price for say silver eagles was over $35 on eBay. Physical price is determine by real people selling at their price and not the paper manipulated price by jp Morgan etc.
silver is not money, its was and attractive commodity and it still is attractive but bitcoin, brass, copper, Good FOOD
, are all very attractive commodities as well
bitcoin is much closer to money then silver could ever hope to be; this is why 2 pizza sold for how many bitcoins
but silver is
amazing non the less, there for it has ALOT of value.