You can expect the wallet to be out on October 20th, 20:00 GMT +0.
This will be one of the biggest releases of the altcoin world in the lsat months so don't forget to keep an eye on us.
Ohh, and we will also be releasing an I2P market later this week. Details on that will be given later.
We said we would give the details about the I2P market (set to be out this Tuesday), and here are them:
-WorldShop layout & general looks
-Use the same login you use on the TOR network version of the market
-Separated listings from the TOR market.
-Possibility to pay in any currency (including FIAT ones)
-The team reserves the right to delete any listing that might be against our ToS.
For now. The situation may change in 2 days time, but for now it doesn't look well.