Block chain is a best tool to concur space age. I think already its beginning of spce age. As cryptocurrencies are good example of it.
I think even before bitcoin came about we are still entering a world of paperless currency. the likes of paypal and bank transfers have been happening for a while now which is just an exchange of numbers on a computer. Bitcoin is just another baby step towards a paperless currency and one day we will be done away with paper notes completely . Sometimes when i think of handing over a bank note it almost seems so primitive, its like a bunch of cavemen swapping bits of paper for actual goods. Digital currency is definitely where it will go from here on out.
Well Its not about just currency I am talking its all about Blockchain magic.
Blockchain is taking world toward new era of digitalization. Already so many experiments are going on. And its proven in last 8 years that blockchain has that much potential to change world dramatically.
your probably right about blockchain technology . the only thing is i hear this expression "blockchain technology" thrown about everywhere these days but ive not actually seen an actual real case use other than bitcoin, Im sure they will come in time but maybe i just dont have a good enough understanding off the blockchain.