Well, the media has always been failing to show the real picture.
I think the media is now becoming the bigger problem in modern life. The media business now has turned into politics and conspiracy against unfavoured government. If the media plays to reality, many nations would have been at peace.
Op is just spreading more fud in collaboration with the media.
My co-teacher said that this is the most powerful right now since people are not actually seeing anything behind those articles, behind that news and they can manipulate anything they wanted to. She even said that this can even spark a war, and I don't think it is impossible since we can see how this news can affect people and maybe a nation.
The media or the press is not called the Fourth Estate for nothing. The media or the press has a very vast influence over framing the society, the minds of the people, and how issues are being portrayed and given relevance.
However, over the years, it has been repeatedly shown how the press is neither objective nor neutral in terms of issues that affect the public. They take partisan sides. They even take bribes. They're being owned by the rich and the elites. They've got shallow research and only gathered superficial information. And this goes on and on to the point that the press has kind of shown how rotten it is to the core.
So, whatever it is that they do to somehow spark the beginning of a huge war, if they indeed do it, I don't think they will be successful. People won't buy it anymore. And thanks to the very affordable internet the modern times have now a lot of alternative access to information.
I guess there is already a deescalation happening on the ground.