Religion is bad. It's made to control your mind.
No it is not... it is made to stop you from thinking...
Stop thinking! Here is the answer...
Stop thinking! Do not do anything...
Stop thinking! Give me your money...
Stop thinking! I do that for you...
Stop thinking! Except about me...
Stop thinking! There is no spoon...
Stop thinking! Dirty thoughts...
Stop thinking! About his stuff...
Stop thinking! About hurting me/others...
Stop thinking! About other's beliefs...
Stop thinking! Thinking is sin...
See... they are not controlling your mind... they don't ask you to do a thing... So just Stop thinking about it! Just... Stop... Thinking... Sinner!
Yea, I want to spend eternity with that crowd. lol. I'll take my chances and assume the devil, part of religions (thus, non-existent if you don't believe in them), isn't going to consume me. Keep your beliefs in your head, and I will keep mine in my head. It's good to have friends, even if they are imaginary.
Bitcoin is a religion... It is celebrated at conventions. It has a large following of supporters. It has rules. It can not truly be seen, but it is all around us. It helps the poor and needy, freeing them of evil FIAT. It promises nothing. It has many alternative variations, with similar followers (alt-coins). The creator has yet to be seen. You don't know the creators true name. Oh, and it cures cancer!