Well one thing is for sure, technology is growing ever so infinitely, which means that maybe one day someone will try to come up with a way to destroy all electricity in the world. Do not imagine like some wacky scientist guy doing it, just realize the fact that we already have the means to end human life right now in the world.
If we take apocalypse as the end of the world and not used a representation of chaos or doom, then it is obvious since it is the end of the world then Bitcoin and everything will cease to exist. Bitcoin doesn't operate alone without POW, and POW is produced by machines set up by people that need electricity to work and the internet to serve as a network of communication to process the Bitcoin network. So basically the answer is simple, it will not
Well simple, we have over a dozen nuclear weapons together, probably over a dozen just in USA if I remember correctly, if we blow all of them up, ALL nuclear weapons in a single day, that would cause the human life to end. If that’s so possible right now already, then I do not see how destroying electricity would be any harder.
Aside from nuclear weapons, the natural occurrences can destroy the earth. If the sun becomes a supernova, automatically earth together with the other planets will be destroyed.
We know this. Money becomes absolutely useless, and we don't need an apocalypse to see this, you can compare it to war. During wars, for many of the people experiencing the war, money doesn't matter, and has been burned to keep warm to stay alive, and has been tossed to save weight for more important things. The only difference with wars is there's life after them, when there's no life after them no one is going to care. Oxygen, water, food, warmth, and shelter is the only thing that would matter. Obviously, those closest to you too, but money would be a thing of the past.
I highly agree, money is worthless when the world is in chaos, it is the basic needs that is most precious at this time because of the shortages of food resources and people's needs to survice. People might probably witness cannibalism when the time comes that even food is too scarce that people are forced to eat one another.