countries like Australia, some people closed their Bank accounts in support of these people and they moved their business to other Banks that
supported Crypto currencies. They also took this to court and the court decided that this was anti-competitive behavior and they were forced to
stop that. So, the question is simple : Would you close your Bank accounts, when your Bank turn against Crypto?
Do we need new Banks that would go up against these large Banks to facilitate the conversion of Fiat to Crypto currencies? I think Banks doing this
will quickly change their policies, once millions of people start moving their accounts to Banks that supports Crypto currencies.
We do not need Banks, because P2P conversion is possible without Banks, but it just makes things so much easier for people dealing with exchanges.
What do you say? Please participate in the Poll.
Of course yes. If a bank should close my account, what it means is that they are not ready to do business with me again and there is no point forcing the business relationship all I have to do is to ensure I am able to move all my funds from such bank and move to the one that is receptive of my needs. Its that simple. There are several banks that are even looking for more active customers so it means for any exit, there is one other bank or a banker looking to increase deposit waiting for someone to signup.