This is a moot point for me since I don't have millions of dollars worth of bitcoin, but if I was one of these whales we hear so much about? Yeah, I'd consider it and seriously do so. For the tax savings, for sure, but also for two other good reasons.
One, I live in the US and we currently have a genuine psychopath for president, and I'd like to escape his wide swath of destruction.
And two, I suspect the cost of living is a hell of a lot less in a tax haven country, so my bitcoin millions would go farther. I could have Snickers and blowjobs every evening if I so chose.
I'm somewhat jealous of these Asians from poor countries, because if they actually manage to not get banned here, they could live like a true pimp just from campaign earnings. I could probably own whatever passes for a mansion if I lived in such a country.
Aye. I don't think enough of us fat first worlders realise what sig campaigns mean in many other parts of the world. You'd have to spend 1000 years at university to earn a similar amount.
Professional tax havens certainly know their own worth so I can't imagine living would be much or any cheaper for expenses than the US.
Other neighbouring islands to Alderney have two tier property markets for instance so the tax dodgers pay through the nose. Others will tell you to sod off until you're rich enough.