I don't really have much to say as regards to this post. It is just an avenue to hear your thoughts on which is better to invest both time, energy and resources in, mostly for a season as this, where we are experiencing economic uncertainty and ill-timed government banking policies.
So, given that the resources are available or not and you are presented with the opportunity to start/grow or buy an existing business just like Elon Musk, which option is more preferential and benefitial to you?
Interesting topic, there are pros and cons of both approaches. When you start from scratch it's an uncharted territory: you need to create a business plan, rent office space, recruit staff etc...
If a company is for sale, my first question would be why the owner is selling it? Most of the time such companies are having issues with liquidity and what not and owners are trying to get rid of them. On the other hand, if the company is not for sale and you want to buy it, that's going to be expensive. On the bright side, you acquire a fully working company with staff, management, premises, customer base etc. Just my 2c.