Apologies for still being on Meesha Media Group, but it's such an amazing company, I feel it perspicacious (learnt that word today--hope I used it correctly) to share more:
http://www.meesha.net/CMS/?custom=web-developmentWeb Design
Our concept is simple: we create the absolute best place on the web for your company. Before anything else we do, we learn who you are and how you do it. Our amazing custom design team goes to work sun up or sun down to bring that same allure, personality and success to your online home.
Out of all the entities that I could have chosen from the list generated due to this search
https://www.google.com/search?q=%22sun+up+or+sun+down+to+bring+that+same+allure%22&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS549US549&oq=%22sun+up+or+sun+down+to+bring+that+same+allure%22&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59l3.686j0j9&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8, I randomly (seriously) chose this one:
http://www.moonrisedesign.com/We design it
Our concept is simple: we create the absolute best place on the web for your company. Before anything else we do, we learn who you are and how you do it. Our amazing custom design team goes to work sun up or sun down to bring that same allure, personality and success to your online home.
If you're wondering which used the above first, Moon Rise Desgign wins by three years:
http://web.archive.org/web/20080927011329/http://www.moonrisedesign.com/virginia_web_design.htm I uncovered the following nugget:
Virginia prides itself on the quality and excellence of its public education system that is producing highly skilled and educated graduates working for some of the country’s foremost federal organizations also based in the state, including the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, as well as the National Science Foundation. To support all these business and government activities, Virginia has the highest concentration of technology professionals and workers among any state.
The above was discovered completely by accident. If that weren't the case, I would state such.
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:V9KTyvXQmrUJ:https://www.elance.com/d/d/web-design/490+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=usMeesha Media Group, LLC (Meesha-net)
Your Technology Partner
Meesha Media Group (MMG) is a dynamic, customer-focused, results-oriented company that provides high-definition (HD) video production services, Web 2.0 development and virtual collaboration solutions. Through proactive discussion and strategic planning, we assess each client%u2019s unique needs, define requirements, and provide the systems and products that will meet those needs while delivering the best return on customer%u2019s investment. FEATURED CLIENTS UNCF Special Programs Corporation %u2022 Institute for International Public Policy (funded U.S. Department of Education) %u2022 CIPA, NAFP, JPFP, GSRP, MUST (programs funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration) %u2022 The Highlands Group, Inc. %u2022 Center for Assessment, Planning and Accountability %u2022 Project STOP NOW! (funded U.S. Department of Justice) %u2022 STOP HIV (funded by Center for Disease Control) %u2022 The NASA Science and Technology Institute. Check out our past projects at ------------
Skills: ColdFusion Developer , Email Specialist , AJAX Developer , Public Relatio
https://www.elance.com/samples/Meesha-net/gallery/Set : All Items (0)
by Meesha Media Group, LLC, last login 423 days ago
Meesha Media Group can't even decide as to which date to use as to when they became viable.
©2004-2011 Meesha Media Group, LLC
Year Founded 2006