Our primary customers are in the commercial restaurant/commercial kitchen industry, but I am curious to see how individuals "in the know" feel about using Bitcoin or other crypto-currencies to pay for kitchen appliances. Our basic model is that all pricing would be in $USD and if refunds are required, the amount refunded would be in $USD or the market equivalent of Bitcoin on the day the refund is processed.
We would be the first company in our "space" to accept BTC and we will be watched under a microscope by our competitors. We want to ensure that we have all of our ducks in a row before launching this initiative, but we feel that accepting BTC will open up unexplored territory for our business. Our target audience will be forward thinking, early adopting entrepreneurs who are looking to strike while the BTC iron is glowing red-hot! According to http://bitcoinrestaurants.net/, more and more restaurants are accepting BTC so it only makes sense that they would prefer to spend BTC directly from their "wallet" to save to hassle of converting to $USD. Market research suggests that www.overstock.com accepts over 60 different types of crypto-currency which accounts for .2% (>$2 million) of their total revenue so this seems like a viable move for us.
Long story short, it isn't a matter of "if" we plan on accepting BTC, but a matter of "when". Please feel free to offer any thoughts, suggestions, comments, feedback, etc. that may help us usurp any potential future pain points. This is a very exciting time and I am anxious to see how you feel about this project and what your replies have to offer!
Thank you in advance for your time and responses!