
Topic: wow, bitcoin's astro birth chart is full on! - page 19. (Read 67326 times)

Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's horoscopes for Friday December 14, 2012

The question is not, 'How do you feel?' It is, 'How do you hope to be feeling soon?' Otherwise, it is a bit like asking someone on a train journey where they are. The place they are passing through is simply a reflection of the number of miles they have covered. What matters is where they are heading. Unless, that is, the train has broken down and it is now stuck near a city that the traveler doesn't particularly want to visit. You know what you are really aiming for this weekend. I'm here to tell you that you can get there.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's horoscope for the week ahead, Sunday, 2 December 2012

You can't change everything in an instant. You have to let some processes take their time. You can do what you can to hurry it all along but if you push too hard or hassle for a rapid adjustment, you'll work against your own best interests. Some factors in your personal world are now taking much longer to alter than you might like. Others seem to be full of promise that somehow, never gets fulfilled. Go steady. Stay calm. Gradually, you'll find the best possible target to aim for and the right pace to go at.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's December Monthly Forecast

Let's think forward to next December. Where do you hope to be by then? I don't mean physically. The issue is not one of location; it is one of status, condition, confidence level and ability to feel comfortable with where your life is going. Right now, you're more comfortable than you were a few months ago but you'd really like more reassurance. That's not too much to hope for. It's a reasonable expectation! Events between now and the start of 2013 will help you really feel as if the future is something you're going to like!

Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Do I donate to link in your sig? It's inspiring words regardless for those who know a better path.

Many thanks for the kind offer, yep any Satoshis to my sig address are always welcome, but actually atm I am mostly selecting or DJ-ing/sampling (sometimes re-mixing) what I think are relevant/inspiring pieces from others, today's quote came from Jonathan Cainer's forecast for Capricorn, I find him one of the more synchronistic & so he really deserves any donation today more than I do - you could try his 5 star service if you liked which is free if you cancel before 2 weeks I believe, plenty of interesting outlooks for the coming year there.
hero member
Activity: 699
Merit: 500
Your Minion
Do I donate to link in your sig? It's inspiring words regardless for those who know a better path.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's horoscopes for Friday November 23, 2012

What can you do? Try to find out! What do you know? More than you think. Where can you get? Further than you might imagine. Whose help can you summon? Ask nicely and you will be pleasantly surprised. There is a reason why you are doing what you are doing. By this, I don't mean the reason that you are already aware of. There is a deeper reason. The cosmos is operating with a hidden agenda. It has something additional up its sleeve. When you discover it, you will be both amazed and amused.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's horoscopes for Monday November 19, 2012

The arrival of Mars in Capricorn is a biennial event. You last benefited from such an astrological influence between December 2010 and January 2011. This latest iteration of your periodic astrological advantage lasts until Christmas Day. It doesn't automatically make you the living embodiment of the seasonal spirit (Mars is more about determination, than generosity), but it does imply that wherever there is now a project that you need to see through to a successful conclusion, you have rarely been in a stronger position.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's horoscope for the week ahead, Saturday, 17 November 2012

Mars moves into your sign this week, bringing you strength and stamina. There is a most encouraging suggestion of imminent success. Whilst it is true that this planetary placement also implies the need to work very hard and to endure a number of uncomfortable challenges, there is really no reason why you should let this be a problem to you. The gains that you look set to make soon, will far outweigh any of the compromises, or even sacrifices, that life now appears to be requesting from you.

The week ahead in general

Mars takes about two years to complete one cycle of the zodiac. On average, it spends about 2 months in each sign. This though, is an average. Due to the phenomenon of retrograde motion, it can sometimes linger longer. As if to compensate for this, Mars is now seemingly hurtling along. It enters yet another new sector of the sky this week and, no matter what sign you are, you'll notice the change of pace. It should soon become much easier for all of us to form constructive plans and achieve practical goals.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's horoscopes for Friday November 16, 2012

A tense alignment between Uranus and Saturn has been magnifying everything. Your most optimistic opinions seem more justified than ever. Yet oddly, your greatest fears and worries appear more powerful and relevant too. You are swinging between extremes and so too are the pieces of information that you keep getting. Certain people don't seem to know if they are coming or going and it's hard to get a sense of your own direction whilst theirs is so vague. Be clear in yourself and positive too - then all will swiftly improve.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's week ahead, Saturday, 10 November 2012

Current cosmic challenges and opportunities are connected with the need for you to know your limitations. Now, before we go any further, let us consider how you feel when you read that statement. Are you inclined to think, 'Oh, is he telling me that I must not be so ambitious?' Well, actually, no. Sometimes, we do ourselves far more harm when we underestimate our abilities. You now see yourself as restricted in an area of life where you have a lot of power and freedom. This week's eclipse will help you understand that.

PS an edit added to end of eclipse post above
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Since when does astrology matter?

Since ppl first became aware & started trying to figure stuff out, you could call it the beginnings of science.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Since when does astrology matter?
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's horoscopes for Friday November 9, 2012

The history of science contains many tales of code breakers who were able to detect hidden messages by studying complex patterns. But it is not just in the realm of mathematics that such secrets are waiting to be revealed. Someone in your world now, is saying one thing but doing another. You have got to try to find some way to accurately read and understand the information you are receiving. The difficulty is, you can't be entirely logical about it. There are emotional issues at stake. But you will yet make sense of it.

November's Eclipses

There are 2 eclipses this month, a total solar one on the 13th which is the new moon & a deep penumbral lunar one on the 28th which is the full moon & happens to be nicely timed to coincide with the expected date approx of the block reward halving, good stuff Smiley edit: In astrology eclipses symbolize when life brings us the chance to wipe a slate clean and start again.

Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's horoscope for the week of November 8, 2012

  A farmer in Japan found a 56-leaf clover. Well, actually, he bred it in his garden at home. It took effort on his part. Presumably, it provided him with 14 times the luck of a mere four-leaf clover. I don't think your good karma will be quite that extravagant in the coming week, Bitcoin, but there's a decent chance you'll get into at least the 16-leaf realm. To raise your odds of approaching the 56-leaf level of favorable fortune, remember this: Luck tends to flow in the direction of those who work hard to prepare for it and earn it.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's zodiac forecast for Friday, 2 November 2012

Don't be in too much of a hurry to make anything happen this weekend. Other people may be in a rush but their deadlines need not become yours. In standing back, you are neither letting anyone down, nor acting out of disrespect. You are simply asserting your own entitlement to proceed at a pace that seems more appropriate to your own needs. Don't let anyone highjack your agenda or inject your life with a sense of tension that it really need not have. Just go at the pace that feels most comfortable to you.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Bitcoin's stars for the week beginning 28 October 2012

Few things trouble you more than situations in which those you care about are upset, yet you're unable to do anything. However, these are part of a cycle that's breaking up both existing arrangements and reshaping future plans. With your ruler Saturn in a new position, and influencing others as much as it does you, this cycle of change will be far-reaching and profitable.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
A bit late reporting on it but this weekend we have Mars opposition to Jupiter on Sunday, but already an active influence, not a great time to be picking fights though ppl will.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
An important conjunction of transiting Venus (outer ring in green moving anticlockwise) with Bitcoin's natal Saturn in Virgo going on right now, maybe a time to take stock of just what Bitcoin loves, appreciates, values & enjoys once again in the realm of day to day operation, service & attention to detail especially.

Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
The week ahead

The annual conjunction of the Sun and Saturn happens this week. Saturn/Sun conjunctions are all about facing facts, from next Thursday one can now make commitments with more certainty. The fact that this happens in Scorpio which the sun moves in to on Tuesday will highlight these trends - emotional, intense, possessive, secretive which we have already been seeing plenty of with the GLBSE fiasco.

So for those who need to get stuff sorted out next week could seem rather serious, even somber at times with setbacks & requiring perseverance, but necessary & by month's end things should look brighter and more back in control as hurdles are gotten over & one can be getting it all together again. Just in time to prepare for the challenges of next month's eclipses where one will need to be open to adapt to new & different ways of doing things.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
Really nice topic!

The people must know the power of astrology.

We don't the exactly time bitcoin born. So we need to ignora the
ASC and the houses right?

We do know the exact time if you believe the timestamp on the first block.  What we're missing is the location.
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